
Thursday, November 8, 2012


Nadirah’s Perspective:

On September 22, hubby and I attended a Natural Hair Meet-up that was sponsored by Motions and hosted by renowned natural hair blogger, Curly Nikki. The event was held at Japonais Restaurant located at 600 W. Chicago Avenue which is down the street from the historic Chicago Tribune building.  Upon arrival, it was so wonderful to see the plethora of beautiful brown women celebrating their “crowns of glory.” I saw the various hair stylings of: wash n go’s, braids, coils, twist-outs, braid-outs, updos, buns, blow-outs, locs, etc.; manes that were accentuated with hues of black, blond, red, or brown that were then dressed with adornments of flowers, bows, scarves, headbands, and so on.  It was magnificent! As the woman congregated with drinks and conversation between the bi-level floors, waiters were reappearing with hors d'oeuvres of: California sushi rolls, skewered chicken satay, and mini Wagyu beef burgers (BTW… the food was delicious).

Sadly, I didn't get the chance to share a photo with the hostess of the event but I did have the pleasure of sharing some camera time with some other extraordinary women that also happened to be celebrated bloggers as well. Photos and corresponding blog addresses will be provided below.

Overall, this was a great event to have attended with my hubby as we continue to bask in the greatness that is self-love and appreciation of our unique appearances. Each woman we saw exuded a personal flair that could not be duplicated even if we wanted to try. However, throughout our unique exteriors, one thing did bond us together… THE LOVE AND CARE WE HAVE FOR OUR HAIR!

Troy's Perspective:

As a bald man, attending a natural hair meet up was very interesting and exciting. I thoroughly enjoyed witnessing and being a part of an event that truly celebrated the pride, grace and elegance of having natural curly hair.  It was an honor to be in the presence of so many women of all shapes, sizes and colors embracing their God-given beauty. The natural hair movement is one that I support wholeheartedly. The facade of having to put chemicals in our hair regularly is not true beauty. True beauty comes from studying, learning, embracing mastering and perfecting what you have. That is not only true for your hair but the life that you are blessed to have. The exquisiteness and love from my wife, I can never get from any other, but as a man I was pleased to be encircled by women of all origins displaying their creativity, showcasing their striking manes. As an artist by nature, it was like being at an art show.

Getting the opportunity to speak with naturals and bloggers from all over the country, this event was one that I will never forget. As a man and husband of a beautiful natural woman, I was pleased to see the gathered support from other naturals applauding my efforts of supporting my wife’s natural transition. As I explained to others that asked, the hardest part of the transition is the initial change.

Once overcoming the initial change, I began to research and see the benefits of being natural for myself. The benefits are truly astonishing, from my wife being able to get her hair wet and the sweet smell of natural hair without chemicals was priceless. Others soon began to tell their stories and how limited they were when they were bonded by having perms and weaves. To all my natural women, “keep-it curly” and to all my non-natural women:

“Seek to be your best since your best is what God has blessed you with.”

The Captivating Cassidy from

The Talented Tanikia Thompson from and the Brillant Briana McCarthy from

The Fabulously Phenomenal Felicia