
Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Nadirah’s Perspective:

With the short-lived Earth Day this past Monday, as certified Chicago Conservation Corp representatives (environmental org.), hubby and I have been trained in identifying environmental issues, learning new solutions, and sharing all information with a listening audience.  One of our personal and most practiced mantras is: You are either part of the problem or a part of the solution… we also chose the latter of the two.  To go with the theme of Spring (the season of renewal) we felt the need to take the time to explain some reasons why we should all become active participants in our community and introduce easy solutions that we all can incorporate into our daily routines/lives in an effort to help conserve the resources of Mother Earth.

I don’t know about everyone else, but I personally am sick and tired of looking at the empty potato chip and fast food bags, broken bottles, pop/beer cans, used diapers and napkins scattered throughout the streets/neighborhoods of Chicago.   Litter, excessive waste, poisonous gases, and receding/wasting water sources are in abundant use in today’s society.  Did you know the following?

  Running a hot water faucet for five minutes is the equivalent of burning a 60-watt light bulb for 14 hours.
  Silent/unknown toilet leaks will waste 30-500 gallons of water per day.
  Food scraps make up 12% of the waste that Americans generate every day.  That adds up to about 28 million tons of food that gets thrown out over the course of a year.

I know it sounds crazy but these little issues add up into an enormous problem. Another major issue is the air we are breathing. Do you know about VOCs?

Volatile Organic Compound
  Definition:  a significant contributor to indoor air pollution; when inhaled can cause eye, nose, and throat irritation, headaches, and nausea. 

  VOCs are found in many household products, including paints, paint strippers, cleansers and disinfectants, many plastics, and wood treated with formaldehyde.

How does this affect us?

           Ozone is created when the VOCs produced by smokestacks and tailpipes react with sunlight to form a molecule with 3 oxygen atoms.  Breathing in ground-level ozone causes wheezing, coughing, inflammation of the lungs and permanent lung damage with repeat exposures. 

  The main source of ozone and particle pollution is from the burning of fossil fuels, i.e. gas, fumes, etc.
  Particle pollution can aggravate breathing problems (asthma) but has also been linked to heart attacks, strokes and lung cancer.

Have you ever notice that sometimes the Weather Channel or major news programs announce high alerts on certain pollution/ozone days.  People with asthma, respiratory problems and the elder are told to stay indoors or take precautionary measures if we are to go outside. This is why!!!!

Here are some solutions that we can offer to start the going green process within your household:

  Use natural recipes for cleaning agents in your home.
  Turn the water off while brushing your teeth, shaving, or washing your face could save 10-20 gallons of water per person per week (Helps your water bill).
  Check home for water leaks: sinks, toilets, outdoor spouts, garden hoses, etc.
  Put food coloring in your toilet tank.  If it seeps into toilet bowl, you have a leak.
  Install low–flow showerheads and sink aerators.
  Use leftover drinking water to water your houseplants.
  Join the Blue Cart Recycling movement to rid of excessive paper, plastic, and metals.

Here are some easy Green Household Cleansing Products recipes you can create (with your child/children) to avoid or at least limit your exposure of VOCs:

Window Glass Cleaner
  ½ teaspoon liquid soap or detergent
  ¼  cup vinegar or apple cider vinegar (for milder smell)
  2 cups of water

Furniture Polish
  Any vegetable oil, lemon oil, lemon juice.
  Mix 2 parts oil, 1 part lemon juice

We hope this information helps and has convince you to start or continue to be active in the progression of making our world a cleaner and healthier planet for our children of the future.  If you are interested in become more active or just want more information on green practices, please visit:

Troy’s Perspective:
            Our Mother Earth is the foundation of our existence.  Due to our destructive occupation of the earth and our convenience, right now we are causing irreversible effects to our planet. The earth is heating up faster than ever before.  The Earth’s oceans are becoming toxic and changing the ecosystem; the air quality is increasing in pollution and causing sickness and irritation to millions world-wide. We must act and act now!!!

            Have you ever wondered what happens to our garbage? The United States is currently #1 in garbage accumulation. A study was done in 2006 where a young scientist used hundreds of GPS technology in over 1,000 pieces of garbage on the East Coast. Common garbage was used for this experiment including: potato chip bags, plastic grocery bags, pop cans, candy wrappers, etc. After six months, various pieces of garbage were found in Canada, Mexico, and California and in the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean.  Many of us aimlessly walk our cities and towns without any notice or care and litter our communities with trash.

Why should we change??? Trash is everywhere, our parks streets roads, etc.
            What can we do??? Rethink, reuse and recycle. By using the supportive information provided by my wife, we can dramatically make a difference one person at a time. By changing your lifestyle decisions and spreading the knowledge given, we can heal the damage caused to our earth. We can reuse cups, plates and silverware for starters instead of constantly purchasing items that accumulate waste and sometimes the eye-soar seen above. Recycling is a great way to reduce the enormous amount of trash that is overflowing in our current landfills.

We are currently running out of landfills and so I wonder what happens in 10 or 20 years when that place called "Away" is full everywhere?

Children in various countries are playing and living in landfills

Trash is washing up on our beaches


Trash is being consumed by our natural wild life


         The circular rotations of the water currents draw waste material in, which has led to the accumulation of debris in huge floating 'clouds' of waste, leading to the informal name “The Great Pacific Garbage Patch” or “Eastern Garbage Patch.”



Effects of Garbage on Marine Life

       It has been estimated that over a million sea-birds and one hundred thousand marine mammals and sea turtles are killed each year by ingestion of plastics or entanglement.

The Ocean areas called dead zones where there is more plastic and debris floating than fish swimming   


         Mother Earth is the most valuable resource known to man and now is the time for change.  She is sick and screaming for our help.  Please do what you can. Consider the helpful tidbits of information from my wife and Rethink, Reuse and Recycle… Save our Earth!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah yeah yeah!! I know that you r both advocates for this project Going Green, first of all Troy get out of that shower in a reasonable time () and secondly I feel this earth is gonna shake us all off and keep on ticking as with all the things b4 us (Dinasours etc.) But it is honorable and commendable that u have this passion. Love u both.

    Brenda M.


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